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Hawaii Eco Living - Permaculture Hawaii Style

Permaculture Hawaii Style Permaculture is buzzing throughout Hawaii's eco minded crowd. It isn't uncommon to be standing in a coffee shop or strolling through a farmer's market and hear the word permacuture. Hawaii's eco hearted crowd has a strong feeling of connection to the land, our food, & the type of lifestyle we lead bringing the permaculture principles into daily focus. Hawaiian cultural heritage has a strong sense of respect for the land, or ‘āina, so the feeling & goal of permaculture has long been steeped in the islands. Permaculture provides a way to bring about a balanced interaction with the living environment around us. If you are looking for a PDC (Permaculture Design Course), an active farm, internships, job opportunities, or an intentional community putting the principles to work there are plenty of options to be found throughout our permaculture section, use the links below. What is permaculture is a great place to start if you aren't familiar with the concept. We are proud to promote the Hawaiian permaculture community. Living with purpose and intention while promoting regeneration and long term sustainability is an honorable path, albeit should be normal, in this time of foggy chaotic destruction. Dig Deeper – Permaculture Hawaii Pages Permaculture Principles PDC - Design Course What Is Permaculture Permaculture Videos Permaculture Links

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